TouchDesigner, Muse
MRES Research
This abstract from my thesis discusses the role of computational machines in contemporary media, and how they have evolved beyond just data processing. They have augmented our senses and converged algorithmic logic with bodies of thought to create new hybrid mediums. These hybrid platforms are fluid and mutable, allowing researchers to explore and disseminate knowledge through creative practices.
The research presented in this thesis examines the role of hybrid media in creative practice through an autoethnographic case study of a project called Insomnia. The study includes collecting and archiving brain activity data and visual processing software to explore the unique affordances of hybrid media within the context of media archaeology, cultural techniques, and practice-based research.
The study aims to develop a framework for communication designers and scientists to utilize hybrid media to archive unseen phenomena in reproducible and mobile ways. The methodology of this study is to explore the potential of hybrid media in creative practice and to understand how it can be used to archive unseen phenomena in reproducible and mobile ways. The goal of this research is to provide a deeper understanding of the role of computational machines in contemporary media and how they can be used in creative practice.